1翻譯社 "my English economics monographs were pirated翻譯社 the Amazon network sold at high prices, each more than a thousand dollars!" Is a grandstanding.
Gang Liu know the truth of "no market price" Such as postal market, the property market, fried high no one with the plate翻譯社 there is no price of the city. In other words: there are high prices, but nobody cares, no one to buy.
Just saw Gang Liu's "My English economics monographs were pirated, Amazon.com sells at high prices翻譯社 more than a thousand dollars each!" "(The original attached, slightly dealt with).
"Analytical economics" is the current frontier discipline. National Taiwan University Library has conducted lectures that have nothing to do with your "Analytic Economics". Your "I am planning" analytical economics "international academic conference翻譯社 regularly held" analytical economics "application software training course", but also just the idea.
2016-12-28, see Gang Liu's "My English economics monographs are pirated翻譯社 Amazon.com sells at high prices翻譯社 more than a thousand dollars each!" "Then I immediately wrote" Support Gang Liu to maintain copyright "to show solidarity.
Overseas democracy if there is no gas, will accomplish nothing. It seems that my "emperor" have to give you training the gas. Otherwise翻譯社 why
Today, inadvertently see "response"翻譯社 I learned Gang Liu unhappy. Yes, you Gang Liu always unhappy, I will be unhappy! I really because you wrote "Gu Xiaojun is a prophet" (see screenshot) I let you, understand? I do not believe, I just pick a few talk.
二、“我正在筹划《解析经济学》国际学术会议,将按期举办《解析经济学》应用软件培训班”“下面是國立臺灣大學藏書樓列出的《解析经济学》(Analytic Economics)目录”系两不相干。
Gu Xiaojun issued a document to support me to maintain copyright. I may wish to Gu Xiaojun some of the problems and suggestions翻譯社 a little response.
People who know the history of physics should know that physics is starting from Newton with the formula翻譯社 Newton's "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy" opened up "analytical physics." The title of my Chinese manuscript was originally called "Mathematical Principles of Natural Economics", and later changed to "analytical economics", not only because the former can not become the name of an original economic theory, but also because there is plagiarism Newton Suspected, named "analytical economics"翻譯社 this is called the real original.
但假如徐水良自称是天成翻譯社的朋侪,那会让我恶心得吐出来。不仅仅因为他们都是南京人翻譯顾晓军总喜欢说是我的朋友翻譯可天成翻譯社早就说过,我没有同夥翻譯随他随便说好了。Wednesday, December 28, 2016
Support Gang Liu to maintain copyright
4, to support your public competition for the Nobel Prize in economics.
就说我的这本书吧翻譯这是在2002年就公开出書的英文书。可有谁见到天成翻譯社在网上自天成翻譯社介绍说我曾经写过这样一本书?就连天成翻譯社亲弟弟亲妹妹甚至我的亲生後代都不知道我曾经出版过英文书翻譯我的英文书名是《Analytic Economics》(解析经济学),你们尽可以上网搜索一下,看看在我之前有哪个经济学家曾经将这两个词放在一路作为他们的书名或理论的名称?他们不克不及,也不敢,除非他们将他们的经济学理论都写成象牛顿力学那样的方程式!
【我没有诺贝尔情节。曾任剑桥大学“中国经济研究中間”主任),王军涛,于大海(经济学博士、教授),许成钢(许良英的儿子,哈佛大学经济学博士,香港大学《国之基金》经济学讲座教授、清华大学特聘傳授、欧洲经济政策研究中間(CEPR)研究员),天成翻譯社相信这些人没有一人认认真真地读过我的书,乃至就没有人读过此中的第一章。我对经济学的贡献,本來并没有期望会被这个世界的人所理解、所接受。 I do not have a Nobel plot. My contribution to economics, originally did not expect to be understood by the people of this world, accepted. I have sent Wang Dan a box of my book翻譯社 let him be distributed to friends. Wang Dan told me no one wants my book翻譯社 Baidu no one wants to. Wang Dan told me to complain that I gave him that book is not even garbage, occupied his space in vain. I gave Hu Ping翻譯社 Zhang Wei (Master of Public Administration, Harvard University, Ph.D., Economics, Oxford University), former director of China Center for Economic Research at Cambridge University, Wang Juntao翻譯社 Yu Dahai (Professor of Economics, Professor Xu Chenggang) Son, professor of economics at Harvard University, professor of economics at the University of Hong Kong, professor of Tsinghua University翻譯社 researcher at the European Economic Policy Research Center (CEPR)翻譯社 and I do not believe that none of these people really read my book , And even no one has ever read the first chapter. Most of them advised me not to waste time to engage in the economics of the Goldbach conjecture, saying that the economics problem was not that my layman could speak. I would like to thank them for their advice翻譯社 and no longer have to contact them. 支持刘刚维护版权
If it is Xu Shui-liang, it will certainly call the title "new economics"翻譯社 or "my economics." To see the name翻譯社 a little culture of people, you can see that this gap is a world of difference. A true creation of a theory of people, will be able to give his original theory of a truly unique name!
2016-12-28翻譯社 see Gang Liu's "My English economics monographs are pirated, Amazon.com sells at high prices, more than a thousand dollars each!" "Then I immediately wrote" Support Gang Liu to maintain copyright "to show solidarity.
Gang Liu know the truth of "no market price" Such as postal market, the property market, fried high no one with the plate, there is no price of the city. In other words: there are high prices, but nobody cares翻譯社 no one to buy.
I'm not sure about the Chinese version. Chinese readers can earn 2,000 yuan to buy my book? Let the Chinese people will always be sneaky to read my pirated book it. ]
Gossip less action! Brother in addition to my body in the shy, the other can翻譯社 but also to help you.
Every see Gu Xiaojun's name翻譯社 will make me think of Xu Shui-liang. See Xu Shui-liang's name翻譯社 it will naturally think of Gu Xiaojun. Not only because they are all Nanjing. Gu Xiaojun always likes to say that my friend. But I have long said that I have no friends. With him casually said good. But if Xu Shui-liang claimed to be my friend翻譯社 it would make me sickness spit it out.
Gu Xiaojun 2017-2-10 Nanjing China
2, "I am planning the" analytical economics "international academic conference, will be held regularly" analytical economics "application software training" "The following is the National Taiwan University Library listed" Analytical Economics "(Analytic Economics) directory" Department of two irrelevant.
You - I am not a theorist, others are not theorists ... ... thinking翻譯社 is narrow翻譯社 not atmospheric, no gas, but also the middle of the mainland under the pregnant.
我有更多的事要做。【天成翻譯社从来就不需要帮助。所以,翻譯公司们无需就我的著作问题行动起来翻譯天成翻譯社自有天成翻譯社的方案翻譯我的书本來是有20章,2002年只是出書了10章。 1, "my English economics monographs were pirated翻譯社 the Amazon network sold at high prices, each more than a thousand dollars!" Is a grandstanding.
Thank you翻譯社 Gu Xiaojun's advice. But I clearly remember翻譯社 Gu Xiaojun in a few days ago or insist that I am not a theorist, not a thinker. Xu Shui-liang is that I was not even the primary school students are illiterate翻譯社 illiterate. To see you two from Nanjing thinkers, famous writers, cosmic class theorists to your own head to wear the title, I decided that I am not with you all the way people. I have long said that I am not a theorist, I am not a thinker, I am not a writer. I do not need to prove that I am a theorist翻譯社 no intention to prove that I am a thinker, or a writer. I just want to say, if Xu Shui-liang can claim to be theorist, I will never think I am a theorist, how can I with Xu Shuiliang this ignorant man has the same title ah. Or will this hat to Xu Shui Liang strike. If the thinker, the famous writers are like Gu Xiaojun hanging in the mouth from my comfort and self-proclaimed翻譯社 I hope to let Yin, so that Mr. Gu Xiaojun to enjoy these titles strike. I will never compete with Gu Xiaojun翻譯社 but not with Xu Shui-liang battle.
2、除了刘刚兄弟你本身出頭具名控訴盗版书商以外,翻譯公司当邀请帮你出書《Analytic Economics》的出書商、一起维护该书的版权。
On Gu Xiaojun's article, I do not intend to make more comments, because I am not a thinker, nor a critic. I am my, in addition, I am nothing.
5、《Aanlytic Economics》以中文出書,除书原本的、经济学的自身价值外,还有3大看点:1、作者是刘刚;2、写于秦城监狱;3、由许良英保存了下来。
Really want to thank pirated booksellers, let the world have the opportunity to understand the "Aanlytic Economics".
【My book publisher is my own, copyright belongs to me, so, not to mention with the piracy publishers jointly sue the problem. ]
I am with Gu Xiaojun, Xu Shui-liang is not all the way. Just say this book for me. This was published in 2002 on the published English book. Who can see me on the Internet self that I have written such a book? Even my brother and sister and even my own children do not know that I have published an English book. My English title is "Analytic Economics", you can search the Internet to see if any of my economists have put these two words together as their title or theory name? They can not, and do not dare, unless they write their economic theories like the equations of Newtonian mechanics!
Finished翻譯社 I will go to the busy. But often go to Gang Liu to see, but did not notice "on my economics monograph was pirated, in response to Gu Xiaojun."
I do not care about being plagiarized at the moment. I started with the knowledge of the struggle in the United States, slightly made some money, but was the Chinese female spy Guo Yinghua and Zeng Xiaimin looted an empty one. Can be seen, I was born to be plagiarism of life. But God is fair. God compensates me with God's hand, and will punish those who do not get the thief. I believe that those who have plagiarized me翻譯社 one day after being understood by the crowd翻譯社 even their children will be the same snakes like the snakes scoffed翻譯社 will forever eternal to these thieves as the most shameless翻譯社 the most vicious, the most despicable dirty The beast. ]
I never need help. So you do not need to act on my work. I have my own program. My book was originally 20 chapters翻譯社 2002 only published 10 chapters. I have more to do. ]
- Gu Xiaojunist:"First Impartiality emperor" talk •3244
Those who know the economics, may wish to compare my book with the economics of Muelson to see what the difference between these two books is. I might point out that there is no equation in the book, and that my book is a formula. If an economic theory can not be written as an equation翻譯社 I think it is not science, but philosophy.
Attached to Gang Liu original (who can not turn the following)
About my economics monograph was pirated翻譯社 in response to Gu Xiaojun
Gang Liu unhappy
1, support Gang Liu to maintain copyright.
Moreover, the world had a theorist, there should be a theorist. And let the title of the theorist wear Yu Keping翻譯社 Yi Junqing and so on the head, why do not I give Xu Shui-liang, Hu Ping, etc.
Today, inadvertently see "response"翻譯社 I learned Gang Liu unhappy. Yes, you Gang Liu always unhappy, I will be unhappy! I really because you wrote "Gu Xiaojun is a prophet" (see screenshot) I let you, understand? I do not believe翻譯社 I just pick a few talk.
最后说一下,天成翻譯社此文虽然是以顾晓军为标题,但我并不是给顾晓军看的,而是给那些每天都要接二連三地点击我的博客的那些被称为窃贼们看的,是让他们知道羞耻,让她们知道她们必将遭到天主的惩罚,也会遭到她们的上线的家法制裁。 Finished翻譯社 I will go to the busy. But often go to Gang Liu to see翻譯社 but did not notice "on my economics monograph was pirated翻譯社 in response to Gu Xiaojun."
Start from now You are not happy, others have to let you? Bo Xilai, Zhou Yongkang, etc., lose on - only their own happy翻譯社 regardless of whether others are happy (of course, this is just one of the reasons they lost).
2翻譯社 in addition to Gang Liu brothers you come forward to prosecute pirated booksellers, you invited to help you publish "Analytic Economics" publishers, together to maintain the copyright of the book.
Finally, I said this article is based on Gu Xiaojun as the title, but I do not see to Gu Xiaojun, but to those who have to repeatedly hit my blog every day, those who are called thieves to see, let them know Shame翻譯社 let them know that they will be punished by God, will also be their on-line legal sanctions. ]
3翻譯社 Xu Shui-liang's "new humanism" and "consciousness of scientific theory" is established regardless. But Xu Shui-liang some of the text翻譯社 really a theoretical color. In particular, he and others after the war on the reorganization, and then sent out those.
Wednesday翻譯社 December 28, 2016
真该感谢盗版书商,让衆人有机会領會到《Aanlytic Economics》。
顾晓军 2017-2-10 南京
Especially the book easier. Such as my "go to bed under the leadership of the party to do that" and so collected out of the book. Is it easy? Then, the price of 100 million dollars a, online sales, but also hit half of the fold. I am with the publisher to open the 64, as long as the sale of a, I have 30 million US dollars翻譯社 publishers can get 20 million dollars. Yes, who is the problem? No one to buy, would not whimsical? Are you the same?
Your ability to find problems, the ability to innovate, than Xu Shui-liang strong. But you are a thick line, your text is really no theoretical color. Therefore翻譯社 I admit that Xu Shui-liang is theorist, and did not say that you are theorist, which should be nothing unhappy.
Speaking of here, may wish to talk about the name of several Chinese TV series. You look at the director of the drama series of several drama, you know he is not a creative two silly writers, what "impossible task", what "sister-in-law, sister-in-law", your mother does not plagiarism you Can die! With this name of plagiarism as their famous name, not only is not creative翻譯社 and born is shameless words! This name of plagiarism actually openly on the Daya Hall翻譯社 actually someone to see! In my opinion翻譯社 these people are naked thieves翻譯社 they should be sentenced to imprisonment!
Gang Liu unhappy
If your logic is true翻譯社 I would not have to say that "24 words of socialist values" copied my "Community Impartiality First" and could blow - "24 words of socialist values" applied to my "Community Impartiality First" All the streets are promoting my "Community Impartiality First".
5, "Aanlytic Economics" published in Chinese, in addition to the book of the original, the value of their own economics, there are three major points: 1翻譯社 the author is Gang Liu; 2, written in the county prison; 3, by Xu Liangying Saved it down.
- Gu Xiaojunist:"First Impartiality emperor" talk •3244
【Xu Liangying is got my manuscript. Xu Liangying certainly did not understand my manuscript, or even did not read. Xu Liangying only one comment: Gang Liu is behind closed doors, was stupid in prison. I asked my brother to recover the manuscript from Xu Liangying, and Xu Liangying responded that the contents of the book were of no value, but that bed sheet was valuable because it was a bed sheet from Qincheng prison and should be sent to the China Democracy Museum The So, Xu Liangying refused to return my manuscript to my brother. ]
3翻譯社 I suggest you publish the Chinese version as soon as possible翻譯社 and suggested hunting in Taiwan out of the sea. If you are busy, I can act for you.
Yesterday, I said, "At that time (1987, novel), said Cao Changqing, said the gas, that" and Cao Changqing lose, and more than just the amount of gas? This gas is not the attitude of everything around the world? "
文章來自: http://blog.youthwant.com.tw/YWFB070787/wjh/1346/有關翻譯的問題歡迎諮詢天成翻譯社